Do banks and HFCs
have passion for skilling their people?
It is do or die scenario. It is no brainer to note that it is more important to have happy customer than disgruntled customer spreading the fire of anger. Retaining customer is worth the money than constantly replacing it by a new customer in the portfolio. While some customer flows may happen beyond the control of the organization, it is important to check the loopholes that can be closed.
It has been found that unskilled people can not only damage a transaction but can take the brand down the drain by wrong selling or underselling or overselling products that is not part of the offering. A product that needs to be serviced over a period of 15 to 20 years need to be managed by skilled and well-oiled processes of the organization.
The flight of the customer in the housing finance sector is more due to the dampening experience faced by unhappy customers’ right from the stage of first meeting to on-boarding with handing over of cheque to the customer. The over-commitment and under-delivery pain experienced by the customer leads to questioning the brand promise.
It is often observed that it is more because of inadequate understanding of the processes of the organization, lack of product understanding, inability to evaluate the policies in the right perspective leading to delays and struggle of professionals. The answer to the problem is to look at structured classroom training blended with e-learning and on-the job training.